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  • Writer's pictureJeff & Yvonne Weinstein

From Student to Teacher: Daniel Comboni’s Journey of Empowerment and Service

Updated: Aug 20

Daniel Comboni smiling with thumbs up.
You & Daniel Comboni are changing lives in Uganda!

Daniel Comboni’s story is more than just a personal success - it’s a tale of hope, showing how one person’s empowerment can lead to the uplifting of many. It’s a powerful reminder of the impact that supporters like you have when you invest in education and skills training through Empowering Ugandans.

Daniel’s path to becoming an IT specialist wasn’t straightforward. In high school, he studied geography, entrepreneurship, and math as information technology was not given much importance and had limited content. Yet, his passion for computers burned bright, leading him to pursue math as a gateway to the world of IT.

Born in Gulu, Daniel’s life took a pivotal turn thanks to the generosity of his church, Gulu Bible Community Church, and an American donor. Through their scholarship program for children without families who could pay for their education, Daniel received an education that would shape his future.

After high school, Daniel’s journey came full circle when he became the IT specialist at his church. This position not only allowed him to deepen his IT knowledge but also provided the means for him to attend university.

As Daniel completed his university studies, a new door opened - the opportunity to serve as the computer instructor at Empowering Ugandans. “God has blessed me to always have a job,” Daniel reflects, his words brimming with gratitude.

Daniel’s impact as an instructor has been profound. He shares stories of students whose lives have been transformed through the computer classes.

“I remember Sheila coming to the Empowering Ugandans computer classes with zero computer skills. But she was eager to learn and was a sharp student. She completed the five-week training and immediately got a job! In six weeks she had received a new life!”

“I remember Christine and Francis, two students who arrived in my classes with zero computer skills. They too were very good students and after completing the training, they showed their Empowering Ugandans computer class certificate to the Gulu police force and were immediately hired!”

“Another student named Peace took her training and with it gained entrance into university and completed her degree. She didn’t just learn computer skills, she got a new life!”

These success stories speak to the power of education and the impact of the Empowering Ugandans donor community. They exemplify the vision of “An Africa that is equipped with marketable skills sharing the love of Jesus, starting with Uganda.”

Daniel’s journey from scholarship recipient to empowering instructor beautifully illustrates the cycle of giving and serving. He has discovered the joy of giving himself away, much like Nancy Onekalit, another beneficiary of Empowering Ugandans who now serves in communities like Adjumani and Kitgum.

Daniel’s story reminds us of the transformative power of education and the importance of giving back. His journey embodies the values of Empowering Ugandans donors: hard work, kindness, and generosity.

Your giving is creating a ripple effect of empowerment that has the potential to transform not just individual lives, but entire communities across Africa.

Your support helps write the next chapter in stories like Daniel’s, creating a future where skills and faith work hand in hand to transform lives across Uganda and beyond.

Thank you!

Jeff & Yvonne Weinstein

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