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Writer's pictureJeff & Yvonne Weinstein

What a difference a text makes.

Our all-grown-up kids decided that it would be fitting to gather last weekend for the last time we would all be in our house together for a couple of years. The dream was that we would relax and enjoy each other, eat some homemade food, and generally begin the process of saying goodbye. Jeff and I were behind schedule for packing/storing/moving by Wednesday the 31st so that our renters could move in. I was a little concerned about all of the things that were left to do, but was assured that the worry was needless.

Sunday was a day filled with progress toward our goal, but I was still concerned about our move-out day of Wednesday. We did spend time together, and even fit in a little pool time, but most of the day was spent packing.

I am so glad that Rachel and her boyfriend, Scott, came. Rachel took one look around and could see that relaxing would not be a major part of the agenda. They finished packing up the china cabinet (which took much longer than I had imagined). Rachel was an encouragement to me as I went through the rest of my closet, deciding on the destiny of things that I hadn't worn for ages (most went to the Salvation Army). She did most of the bending and all lifting required, saving me from back pain later in the day. Jacob and Jonathan were both helpful in other ways, but I worked side by side with my daughter, learning to appreciate her diligence and positive attitude as an adult.

At bedtime, I looked around, excited that we had made so much progress, yet still concerned about what remained. How in the world would we be able to get everything finished?

Just then, Jeff came in with a huge smile on his face. He had received a text from the young man who would rent our bedroom asking if he could delay his moving until August 14 (which is the day we depart for Uganda). It didn't take long for Jeff to respond. Praise the Lord!                 

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