We knew that Thanksgiving would be different in Uganda since it is not observed as a special day. We just did not realize how different it would be. It is our favorite holiday because it is both a chance to gather with loved ones and to take extra time to remember all the things that we are thankful for. We knew we would not be having a turkey dinner. We knew we wouldn’t be seeing our family, but the texted picture of all three of our children together in one place made us smile! And we could still take extra time to reflect on and to thank God for our blessings.
In the morning I worked with two teenagers for a few hours on very basic computer skills, and was again reminded of the opportunities that we have because we were born in America that Ugandans don’t have. Yes, I am thankful for many things.
After the computer lessons, Jeff and I went into town for lunch at a cafe that specializes in American type food (we had Mexican food). It was an enjoyable time, both the change of food and in the time to slow down and enjoy each other’s company. After lunch I headed home on a boda (small motorcycle taxi) and Jeff stayed in town to complete some errands. We have a couple of extra rooms in our house that are used by pastors from out of town when they come to Gulu for training. Patrick from Lira has been staying with us. He had been feeling a little “off” in the morning, so he went to the doctor for tests. It turns out that he has Typhoid. Typhoid. The day before, our housekeeper had greeted us with the news that the reason that she hasn’t been feeling well is that she has malaria. We sent her back home to rest and for more medical treatment.
Yes, we knew that Thanksgiving would be different this year. And it was.
