I realize that after seven months in Uganda...I miss my name. My name is Jeff or Jeffrey. Thanks to the British influence in this country I have met a few Ugandans named Geoffrey, but it is not the same.
Nobody calls me by my name.
To our friends I am Papa or Daddy, or Muzee (word to honor an elder).
On the streets of Gulu they call out “Hey big man” or “Boss man." On occasion I am called Muzungu (white westerner). Even Yvonne rarely calls me Jeff (I can’t repeat what she calls me).
So when I saw “Jeffs” at the western style market I had to buy them. They are like a small Cheeze-It with an Indian spice. I have also seen “Jeff’s Tech Service Center” in town. I will have to stop in one day and say hello to my fellow Jeff. So if you send me an email,
Facebook message, or WhatsApp can you start off the text with “Dear Jeff” just because?
Thank you,