A surprise of mammoth proportions!
and I went to Adjumani yesterday with Okello Charles Odoch, Dominic Toonekalit and his wife Nancy, planning to teach some Bible, Leadership. and Sewing lessons.
Instead, we were greeted by happy, cheering people who had gathered to express their thanks for being rescued from hunger during the pandemic. Who were thankful for now having skills that allow them to support their families. Who felt hopeful for their future.
There was a full program in the church with singing and dancing by the children and women, testimonies by those who wanted to share their story, prayers of thanksgiving, and a word presented by Pastor Patrick Watmon.
Amidst all the praise and thanks, I felt like an imposter.
We were being thanked for the many good things that had happened in the community.
But we had only been facilitators.
Thank you to every one who support activities in Adjumani, Uganda. Whether you pray, sew, quilt, donate money, provide encouragement to us in other ways - you are the real heroes. Thank you, especially to the Raincross Quilt Guild who raised funds so that the gardens of Adjumani can continue to thrive and provide food. Thank you, Rachel W. for leading the way with your GoFundMe for the original fundraiser for gardens.
There was a major fun time when we were honored by people who sacrificially presented us with gifts. I hope you enjoy the pictures. There is also a fun video of me dancing with a chicken.
